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usb stick installer

Estimated read time: 1 minutes

there was a request for a long time to support installing from an usb stick, now it seems i've had time to implement this feature

you need this tarball, then you can unpack it and run ./ as root

if you hit a bug, then report it to us, as usual ;)

Neon-0.26.x is in -current

Estimated read time: 1 minutes

Neon-0.26.1 has been uploaded to -current and all the necessary packages (ie. :)) have been updated, too. it was a challenge :)

Python-2.5 repo

Estimated read time: 1 minutes

i've uploaded Python-2.5 to a separate repo since lots of package will have to be rebuilt. once all the necessary packages are in the repo, we can merge the update to -current

free jacman? not yet..

Estimated read time: 1 minutes

i wanted to start compiling jacman (and all the libs required by it) from source using only free tools (gcj/ecj & the gnu classpath). it seems that the first dep (glazedlists) requires XMLEncoder, but it will be featured only in gcc-4.2.x. so calm down, we should wait.. :/

Siwenna @ digg

Estimated read time: 1 minutes

Mark Angeli submitted our release notice to digg: dvd, cds

smartctl && hdd temperature

Estimated read time: 1 minutes

here is a small cmdline to query the temperature of a hdd using smartctl: smartctl -a /dev/hdc|grep Celsius|sed 's/.* \([0-9]*\)$/\1/'

pacman -> libalpm migration

Estimated read time: 1 minutes

vpn mini howto

Estimated read time: 1 minutes

i was hired to create a vpn between 2 frugal machines, alwas i was asked to share the results. so here they came.

NOTE: i'm not a vpn genious, nor want to write yet another "the best" howto. just the brief story of the vpn setup under Frugalware

you can reach it here, feel free to improve it :)

yet another cheap bash trick

Estimated read time: 1 minutes


foo() { true }

if declare -f foo >/dev/null; then echo "foo() declared" else echo "foo() is not declared" fi

reverse deps and browse by groups on the packages page

Estimated read time: 1 minutes

that's all from the user's point of view, internally the whole package-to-sqldb script is redesigned and the sql db itself, too.

examples: reverse deps, browse by group

the new db updater here

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