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Electronic signing in Collabora Online

Estimated read time: 13 minutes

LibreOffice Technology had the concept of digital signing, but this was not available in Collabora Online, so it was not possible to combine this with collaborative editing. Also, once Collabora Online started to expose digital signing with software certificates for ODF files, that also allowed taking a further step and start supporting electronic signing for PDF files. Partnering with eID Easy, you can create strongest of the electronic signatures – the mighty QES. This means signing with Collabora Online allows you to:

  • create proper electronic signatures
  • not share your document with a 3rd-party, only the hash of your PDF will be sent to the external service
  • integrate with e.g. Nextcloud, use the feature without installing anything other than the Nextcloud AIO image
  • potentially combine signing with other security features like Secure View and
  • work with visual signing in a WYSIWYG way, which allows placing a visible signature widget at the specified page, then dragging it to the preferred position.

The sample integration presented here is for Nextcloud, but the feature can be made available in other integrations as well.

See Collabora's blog post if you prefer less technical information about this feature.


Digital and electronic signing of documents is meant to be based on cryptographic security, and traditionally this has been exposed to users in a very complex way. You need to know that first you have to sign your macros and only then your document, you need to somehow get PEM files to have a signing certificate, you need to somehow get your certificate trusted by some certificate authority that is commonly trusted by other people who will verify your signature, and so on.

This lead to the need to first support digital signatures in COOL using a single signatures dialog for ODF files and then later to provide electronic visual signing for PDF files, while continuing to respect your privacy by not sharing your document with a 3rd-party service.

Results so far

A read-write signatures dialog

First the signature viewer dialog was turned into a read-write digital signatures dialog in COOL that is still async (compatible with collaborative editing), first for ODF files & using PEM files.

Related to this, we automatically sign macros (if the document has macros) when signing the document, so you can’t forget about this or get the order wrong (sign macros first, then the document).

At this stage implementing signature removal was possible, which again needs an async conversion so the user can confirm they really want to remove a signature. This also means the signature status of the document can change, the COOL UI now supports this.

You can now associate a signing certificate / key / CA chain with a COOL editor, so you can sign the document, but not an other editor working on the same document.

Finally adding a digital signature is now possible, where the certificate chooser just shows your signing certificates and hides it from other editors.

Here is a screenshot of the early digital signatures dialog at this stage:

Initial async digital signatures dialog in COOL with sign and remove buttons

Automatically signed documents

The second half of digital signing support in COOL started with WOPI extensions, so an integrator of COOL can specify the signature settings on their user settings page and pass that to COOL when a document is edited. We then send this to the document editor process only when needed, i.e. not on file open, but when the actual signing process would start.

UI is also added on the notebookbar in the form of a new button that allows adding signatures to a previously unsigned document – before you could only trigger the signatures dialog if the status bar said something about existing signatures, and only then you could add a signature. This button is hidden if you don’t have signature settings configured. It looks like this:

New sign button on the notebookbar

When was still missing here is automated Cypress tests to make sure signing e.g. an ODT file keeps working and the SDK documentation now also describes what does it take to support digital signatures in your COOL integration. For example you can create a Nextcloud integration like this:

Nextcloud integration for digital signing

Finally, COOL’s convert-to endpoint is hooked up with signature support, so you can export to a signed PDF. Example curl invocation:

curl -k -F "data=@in.odt" -F "format=pdf" -F 'options={"SignPDF":{"type":"boolean","value":"true"},"SignCertificateCaPem":{"type":"string","value":"..."},"SignCertificateCertPem":{"type":"string","value":"..."},"SignCertificateKeyPem":{"type":"string","value":"..."}}' https://localhost:9980/cool/convert-to > out.pdf

Plumbing for electronic signing

Once digital signing of ODF files is handled, let’s switch to PDF signing, which is much more interesting: you typically want to sign something final, and we see PDF as a final output of your documents. So first support for digital signing of PDFs was added.

The next part is to integrate with eID Easy, which can do privacy-friendly electronic signing for us. This is a 5 step process:

  1. Extract the hash of the to-be-signed document. This is similar to signing, you start the process but once you have the hash that you would sign locally, you just take that hash and abort the actual signing.
  2. Send this hash to the electronic signing service.
  3. Open a popup and let the user authenticate with their credentials (passport, personal ID, etc) using one of the providers (different providers support different countries) and sign the hash.
  4. Download the signed hash from the service.
  5. Serialize this signed hash into the local document. This requires producing the local PDF signature once more, but this time using the previous timestamp (instead of the system clock, so the hash is table) and using the downloaded PKCS#7 signature instead of locally signing something.

At the end we got something that looks like a signature produced externally, but there was no UI for this. An initial popup for step 3 looked like this in the test environment (that doesn’t work with real passport numbers or anything sensitive):

COOL popup to sign a document hash

UI for electronic signing

The next step was to create a user interface for electronic signing. The Insert menu had a new menu item to insert electronic signatures and to specify your country, finally choose one of the providers available in your country.

Also support for two types of providers is added: the first is the “in context” one, the other is a “redirect based” one. We now support both: all the redirect (should be familiar to you if you ever did e.g. online payments) happens in the popup, so the original COOL editor is never closed.

eID also has the concept of multiple tokens for signing: initiating the signing costs money, so is done using a “secret”, which is never sent to the COOL JS code. Then the “client ID” identifies the client, but can’t be used to start signing. Finally any single signing transaction has a specific “document ID”. We took care to follow the guidelines here, so the sensitive “secret” for signing is always kept on the server.

Similar to the initial document signing, electronic signing settings are also possible to specify from an integration, we documented this in the SDK and also created a sample Nextcloud integration for this.

The Nextcloud integration looks like this:

Nextcloud integration for electronic signing

Note that later the API URL was changed to be a hidden setting, as real signing never needs a custom value there, this is just for testing.

Visual signing

The last part of this electronic signing effort was to expose visual singing in COOL, something that was added to LibreOffice Draw back in 2020, see this earlier blog post.

First this was exposed in COOL with digital signing, in a way that the current page gets a signature widget inserted at the page center and then the user can move that signature widget to the desired location.

Combining this with electronic signing is a bit more tricky, since we don’t want to select a certificate when the signature widget is inserted, we’ll deal with that in the external service, as usual.

Also, there was no real reason to not use visual signing unconditionally, so now the way to initiate a signing process is to open your PDF in COOL, use the Insert → Signature line menu item to insert a signature widget, move it to the wanted position, click “finish” on the snackbar and that completes the process with the usual electronic signing popup.

The final problem was that our multi-page PDF viewer was not really prepared to deal with changed PDF content (assuming your PDF rendering will not change is reasonable), so some last minute work had to be done to make sure the signature widget’s graphical selection indicator, its dragging and its rendering works fine even on non-first pages of a PDF document.

At the end, a test signature using the d-trust signature provider’s test environment looks like this:

Electronic signature with a signature widget / visual signature on page 2 of a PDF file, using the test environment of the d-trust provider.

Or if you prefer watching a demo, a typical electronic signing process session looks like this:

Demo of electronic signing with Collabora Online, part of a tea-time training

There were a few more talks with similar content:

At the end you get an electronic signature that is trusted by the EU trust list and thus e.g. Acrobat Reader:

A real signature, verified in Acrobat

How is this implemented?

If you would like to know a bit more about how this works, continue reading... :-) As usual, the high-level problem was addressed by a series of small changes.

LibreOffice core commits:

Collabora Online commits:

Nextcloud richdocuments commits:

Want to start using this?

You can get a development edition of Collabora Online 24.04 and try it out yourself right now: try the development edition.

Improving interactivity: the Writer visible area in Collabora Online

Estimated read time: 3 minutes

Collabora Online now takes the visible area (viewport) of large Writer documents into account in more cases, leading to better performance & interactivity.


Collabora Online has two kinds of "visible areas" for a document: on one hand, the entire document is visible, so in case any part of the document changes, the browser client gets notified; on the other hand, there is a viewport in the web browser, and keeping that up to date is a priority, compared to the rest of the document.

There were some cases in the past where we handled the entire document with the same priority, leading to slower than ideal update times on the UI.

Wouldn't it be nice to always update the visible part first, and only then deal with the rest, on idle?

Results so far

When looking at this topic, we noticed a cluster of problems:

First, consider the case of a long (~300 pages) document, where you insert a page break at the start and wait for the update of the visible area. The entire document layout (now 301 pages) were calculated, and now we do this for the visible area synchronously (and the rest on idle). This operation is now about 19 times faster.

Second, loading a long document calculated the entire layout before showing the first page. This is now improved, the document loading time itself at a LOK API level for such a long document is now about 5 times faster.

Faster render of the first page in COOL 24.04

Third, COOL didn't consider the priority of core tasks when interrupting to do its own work (COOL's document editing process and LibreOffice core shares the same main loop). Now we do this, categorizing the core tasks into "high priority" and "low priority" buckets and we only interrupt when core doesn't have high priority tasks any more (this is only in 25.04).

Fourth, there was no easy access to a large Writer document during development. Now make run COOL_WRITER_LARGE=y allows opening a long document in your local browser for development / testing purposes.

How is this implemented?

If you would like to know a bit more about how this works, continue reading... :-)

As usual, the high-level problem was addressed by a series of small changes:

The tracking issue was cool#11064.

Want to start using this?

You can get a development edition of Collabora Online 24.04 and try it out yourself right now: try the development edition.

Ignoring the paragraph margin at the top of pages in Writer

Estimated read time: 2 minutes

Writer has the concept of paragraph margins and page margins, but what happens when you combine the two? It turns out the expectation is that sometimes the top paragraph margin is ignored in this case. We'll see two cases where the behavior of Writer is now improved to better match Word in this regard.

This work is primarily for Collabora Online, but the feature is available in desktop Writer as well.


As described in a previous bugreport, there was a first problem where Word ignored the top paragraph margin of a document, but Writer did not. A recent bugreport then pointed out that the first implementation went too far and now a wanted top margin was ignored. This lead to a set of conditions which now does a decent emulation of Word's rules in this regard.

Results so far

Here is the old Writer render result for a document where the top margin should be ignored:

Bugdoc: old Writer render

And here is the new Writer render result for a document where the top margin is ignored:

Bugdoc: new Writer render

Finally, the reference render result, showing the ignored top paragraph margin:

Bugdoc: reference render

As you can see, now the unwanted top paragraph margin is omitted at page top.

How is this implemented?

If you would like to know a bit more about how this works, continue reading... :-)

As usual, the high-level problem was addressed by a series of small changes:

Want to start using this?

You can get a development edition of Collabora Online 24.04 and try it out yourself right now: try the development edition. Collabora intends to continue supporting and contributing to LibreOffice, the code is merged so we expect all of this work will be available in TDF's next release too (25.2).

Editeng RTF export: fixing a lost paragraph style

Estimated read time: 2 minutes

Impress shape text doesn't have much support for styles, e.g. the default UI in Writer gives you a paragraph style dropdown, and you don't get the same in Impress. Still, a paragraph style is attached to bullets based on their outline level, and Impress has a View → Outline menu item to give you that styled text you can copy. Pasting that to Writer started to lose styles recently and it's now fixed to work again.

This work is primarily for Collabora Online, but the feature is available in desktop Impress as well.


As described in a previous commit, I had a case where lots of not needed paragraph styles were exported to RTF in case an Impress document had enough master pages. The idea was to only export actually used paragraph styles, to avoid wasting CPU power.

Turns out filtering out paragraph styles has to happen at two locations:

  • in the style table to assign an index to a paragraph style
  • when referring to those styles

The problem was that unused styles were removed from the style table, but not from the style → index mapping, so as soon as you had both used and unused paragraph styles, the declared and the referred style indexes didn't match anymore.

Results so far

Here is a sample paste result in Writer, where you can see that the text doesn't have a custom paragraph style:

Bugdoc: old Writer paste

And here is the same paste, now with paragraph styles restored:

Bugdoc: new Writer paste

As you can see, now the pasted text has paragraph styles.

How is this implemented?

If you would like to know a bit more about how this works, continue reading... :-)

The bugfix commit was editeng RTF export: fix broken offsets into the para style table.

The tracking bug was tdf#163883.

Want to start using this?

You can get a development edition of Collabora Online 24.04 and try it out yourself right now: try the development edition. Collabora intends to continue supporting and contributing to LibreOffice, the code is merged so we expect all of this work will be available in TDF's next release too (25.2).

Handling page captures for Writer TextBoxes

Estimated read time: 3 minutes

Writer TextBoxes provide the user with shapes that can have complex geometry and complex content. There is also a feature to capture shapes inside page boundaries: now the two features interact with each other better.

This work is primarily for Collabora Online, but the feature is available in desktop Writer as well.


As described in a previous post, Writer implements the TextBox feature with a pair of objects: a Draw shape (with complex geometry) and a (hidden) Writer TextFrame, providing complex content. To avoid wrapping problems, the underlying TextFrame always has its wrap type set to "through", i.e. text may wrap around the Draw shape, but the hidden TextFrame is always ignored during text wrapping.

In most cases this provides the expected behavior, because the user sees one object, so wrapping around at most one object is not surprising.

However, there is also an other feature, that shapes may be captured inside page frames: if their position would be outside the page frame, Writer corrects this, so they are not off-page. This also makes sense, so it can't happen that your document has a shape that is hard to find, due to a silly position.

The trouble comes when these two are combined: the Draw shape's position gets adjusted to be captured inside the page frame, but the TextFrame's wrap type is "through", and objects with this wrap type are an exception from the capturing mechanism, so the position of the two shapes get out of sync.

Results so far

The problem is now solved by improving the layout, so in case the TextFrame is actually part of a Draw shape + TextFrame pair (forming a TextBox), then we calculate the effective wrap type of the TextFrame based on the wrap type of its Draw shape, so either both objects are captured or none, which results in consistent render result.

Here is a sample document where all margins are configured to be equal, but capturing corrected the Draw shape (and not the TextFrame):

Bugdoc: old Writer render

And here is the same document, with consistent positioning:

Bugdoc: new Writer render

As you can see, now the rendered margins actually equal, as wanted.

How is this implemented?

If you would like to know a bit more about how this works, continue reading... :-)

The bugfix commit was sw textbox: capture fly when its draw object is captured.

The tracking bug was tdf#138711.

Want to start using this?

You can get a development edition of Collabora Online 24.04 and try it out yourself right now: try the development edition. Collabora intends to continue supporting and contributing to LibreOffice, the code is merged so we expect all of this work will be available in TDF's next release too (25.2).

Per-paragraph semi-transparent shape text in Impress

Estimated read time: 2 minutes

The SVG export in Impress now supports a per-paragraph setting to handle semi-transparent shape text, while previously this was only possible to control at a per-shape level.

This work is primarily for Collabora Online, but the feature is available in desktop Impress as well.


As described in a previous post, Impress already had the capability to have semi-transparent shape text, but the SVG export of this for the case when not all paragraphs have the same setting was broken.

Transparency in SVG can be described as a property of a group (<g style="opacity: 0.5">...</g>) and it can be also a property of the text (<tspan fill-opacity="0.5">...</tspan>).

The SVG export works with the metafile of the shape, so when looking for meta actions, it tries to guess if the transparency will be for text: if so, it needs to use the tspan markup, otherwise going with the g markup is OK.

What happened here is that meta action for a normal text started, so the SVG export assumed the text is not semi-transparent, but later the second line was still transparent, so we started a group element, and this resulted in a not even well-formed XML output.

Results so far

The relevant part of the test document is simple: just 3 paragraphs, the second one is semi-transparent (and also has a bullet, as an extra):

Bugdoc: original Impress render

Once this was exported to SVG, this resulted in a non-well-formed XML, so you got this error in a web browser:

Bugdoc: old SVG render

Once tweaking the transparency mask writer to check if text started already, we get the correct SVG render:

Bugdoc: new SVG render

How is this implemented?

If you would like to know a bit more about how this works, continue reading... :-)

The bugfix commit was SVG export: fix handling of semi-transparent text inside a list.

The tracking bug was tdf#162782.

Want to start using this?

You can get a development edition of Collabora Online 24.04 and try it out yourself right now: try the development edition. Collabora intends to continue supporting and contributing to LibreOffice, the code is merged so we expect all of this work will be available in TDF's next release too (25.2).

Improved interactivity for LOK clients in Writer's layout

Estimated read time: 3 minutes

Writer now has support for doing partial layout passes when LOK clients have pending events, which sometimes improves interactivity a lot.

This work is primarily for Collabora Online, but the feature is useful for any LOK clients.


I recently worked with a document that has relatively simple structure, but it has 300 pages, and most of the content is part of a numbered list. Pasting a simple string (like an URL) into the end of a paragraph resulted in a short, but annoying hang. It turns out we updated Writer's layout for all the 300 pages before the content was repainted on the single visible page. In theory, you could reorder events, so you first calculate the first page, you paint the first page, then you calculate the remaining 299 pages. Is this possible in practice? Let's try!

Results so far

The relevant part of the test document is simple: just an empty numbered paragraph, so we can paste somewhere:

Bugdoc: empty paragraph, part of a numbered list and then pasting an URL there

This is a good sample, because pasting into a numbered list requires invalidating all list items in that list, since possibly the paste operation created a new list item, and then the number portion has to be updated for all items in the rest of the list. So if you paste into a numbered list, you need to re-calculate the entire document if all the document is just a numbered list.

The first problem was that Writer tracks its visible area, but LOK needs two kinds of visible areas. The first kind decides if invalidations are interesting for part of the document area. LOK wants to get all invalidations, so in case we cache some document content in the client that is near the visible area, we need to know when to throw away that cache. On the other hand, we want to still track the actually visible viewport of the client, so we can prioritize visible vs hidden parts of the document. Writer in LOK mode thought that all parts of the document are a priority, but this could improved by taking the client's viewport into account.

The second problem was that even if Writer had two layout passes (first is synchronous, for the visible area; second is async, for the rest of the document), both passes were performed before allowing a LOK client to request tiles for the issued invalidations.

This is now solved by a new registerAnyInputCallback() API, which allows the LOK client to signal if it has pending events (e.g. unprocessed callbacks, tiles to be painted) or it's OK for Writer layout to finish its idle job first.

The end result for pasting a URL into this 300 pages document, when measuring end-to-end (from sending the paste command to getting the first updated tile) is a decrease in response time, from 963 ms to 14 ms.

How is this implemented?

If you would like to know a bit more about how this works, continue reading... :-)

As usual, the high-level problem was addressed by a series of small changes:

The tracking issue for this problem was cool#9735.

Want to start using this?

You can get a development edition of Collabora Online 24.04 and try it out yourself right now: try the development edition. Collabora intends to continue supporting and contributing to LibreOffice, the code is merged so we expect all of this work will be available in TDF's next release too (25.2).

Improved font fallback in the DOCX import of Writer

Estimated read time: 2 minutes

Writer now has improved support for font fallback when you open a DOCX file that refers to fonts which are not available currently.

This work is primarily for Collabora Online, but the feature is fully available in desktop Writer as well.


Font embedding is meant to solve the problems around missing fonts, but you can also find documents with stub embedded fonts that are to be ignored and our code didn't have any sanity check on such fonts, leading to unexpected glyph-level fallbacks. Additionally, once font-level fallback happened, we didn't take the font style (e.g. sans vs serif) into account, which is expected to work when finding a good replacement for the missing font.

Results so far

Here is how to the original rendering looked like:

Bugdoc, before: ugly glyph-level fallback

Once the handler for the embedded fonts in ODT/DOCX was improved to ignore stub fonts where even basic glyphs were not available, the result was a bit more consistent, but still bad. Here is a different document to show the problem:

Bugdoc, first improvement: no glyph fallback but the result is sans

Note how now we used the same font, but the glyphs are always sans, not serif. So the final step was to import the font type from DOCX and consider that while deciding font fallback:

Bugdoc, second improvement: no glyph fallback and the result is sans / serif

With this, we ignore stub embedded fonts from DOCX, we import the font type and in general font fallback on Linux takes the font type into account while deciding font fallback.

How is this implemented?

If you would like to know a bit more about how this works, continue reading... :-)

As usual, the high-level problem was addressed by a series of small changes:

Want to start using this?

You can get a development edition of Collabora Online 24.04 and try it out yourself right now: try the development edition. Collabora intends to continue supporting and contributing to LibreOffice, the code is merged so we expect all of this work will be available in TDF's next release too (24.8).

Fixing handling of line object transformations in the DOCX import of Writer

Estimated read time: 2 minutes

Writer now has improved support for toplevel line shapes when you import those from DOCX.

This work is primarily for Collabora Online, but the feature is fully available in desktop Writer as well.


As described in a post from 2014, Writer reads the drawingML markup for shapes in DOCX files, including line shapes. While investigating a simple-looking problem around a horizontal vs vertical line, it turns out that there is a deeper issue here, and it looks like now have proper fix for this bug.

Results so far

Imagine that your company template has a nice footer in two columns, and the content in the columns are separated by a vertical line shape, but when you open your DOCX in Writer, it crosses the text of that footer instead:

Bugdoc, before: reference is red, Writer result is painted on top of it

While researching how line shapes are represented in our document model and how ODT import works, it turned out that the proper way to create a line shape is to only consider size / scaling when it comes to the individual points of the line, everything else (e.g. position / translation) should go to the transform matrix of the shape, then the render result will be as expected:

Bugdoc, after: reference is red, Writer result is painted on top of it

It was also interesting to see that this also improved other, existing test documents, e.g. core.git sw/qa/extras/ooxmlimport/data/line-rotation.docx looked like this before:

3 rotated lines, before: reference is red, Writer result is painted on top of it

And the same fix makes it perfect:

3 rotated lines, after: reference is red, Writer result is painted on top of it

Just stick to the rule: scaling goes to the points -- translation, rotation and horizontal shear goes to the shape.

For now, this is only there for toplevel Writer lines, but in-groupshape and Calc/Impress lines could also follow this technique if there is a practical need.

The "after" screenshots show ~no red, which means there is ~no reference output, where the Writer output would be missing.

How is this implemented?

If you would like to know a bit more about how this works, continue reading... :-)

The bugfix commit was tdf#161779 DOCX import, drawingML: fix handling of translation for lines.

The tracking bug was tdf#161779.

Want to start using this?

You can get a development edition of Collabora Online 24.04 and try it out yourself right now: try the development edition. Collabora intends to continue supporting and contributing to LibreOffice, the code is merged so we expect all of this work will be available in TDF's next release too (24.8).

Section-based continuous endnotes in Writer

Estimated read time: 3 minutes

Writer now has much better support for continuous / inline endnotes (not on a separate page) in Writer, enabled by default for DOCX files.

This work is primarily for Collabora Online, but the feature is fully available in desktop Writer as well.


As described in a previous post, Writer already had minimal support for not rendering endnotes on a separate endnote page, but it was not mature enough to enable is by default for DOCX files.

Results so far

What changed from the previous "continuous endnotes" approach is that instead of trying to map endnotes to footnotes, we now create a special endnotes section, which only exists at a layout level (no section node is backing this one), and this hosts all endnotes at the end of the document. It turns out this is a much more scalable technique, for example a stress-test with 72 endnotes over several pages is now handled just fine.

Here are some screenshots:

Before: reference is red, Writer result is painted on top of it

After: reference is red, Writer result is rendered on top of it

As you can see, there were various differences for this document, but the most problematic one was that the entire endnote was missing from the (originally) last page, as it was rendered on a separate page.

Now it's not only on the correct page, but also its position is correct: the endnote is after the body text, while the footnote is at the bottom of the page, as expected. The second screenshot shows ~no red, which means there is ~no reference output, where the Writer output would be missing.

How is this implemented?

If you would like to know a bit more about how this works, continue reading... :-)

As usual, the high-level problem was addressed by a series of small changes:

The tracking bug was tdf#160984.

Want to start using this?

You can get a development edition of Collabora Online 24.04 and try it out yourself right now: try the development edition. Collabora intends to continue supporting and contributing to LibreOffice, the code is merged so we expect all of this work will be available in TDF's next release too (24.8).

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