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Estimated read time: 1 minutes

In case you got bored and you want to try something blending edge, have a look at my ooo33 repo.

It contains an early snapshot of 3.3 (+ ooo-build patches, of course), including this work.

googlecl and geeqie

Estimated read time: 1 minutes

I recently tested two new Frugalware packages.

googlecl is a commandline utility, I wanted to try it out as it has browser-based authentication, which is supposed to be compatible with Google Apps, while the API-based method used by picu is not. To make it short, in case you are in a directory containing photos for an album and you just want to upload all of them to an album named after the directory name, you need:

google picasa create --title $(basename $(pwd)) *.jpg

The other package I recently tested is geeqie, it's a replacement (see history here) for gqview I usually use to watch a lot of photos in a directory. And yes, they seem not to break any of the nice feature of the old gqview project, good work! ;)

Update: there is a patch to add sync support, it's usage:

google picasa post --title $(basename $(pwd)) --sync *.jpg

chkdep improvements

Estimated read time: 1 minutes

Yesterday I finally had a look at how chkdep removes duplicated dependencies. The whole idea behind the removal is that in case ldd says a package depends on libfoo and libbar + we know from pacman that libfoo already depends on libbar, then there is no point adding libbar to depends in most cases.

The old code did the followings: it searched the depends of the packages found by ldd and in case a depend was found in the depend list of an other depend then it removed the depend from the list. The problem with this is that in case foo depends on bar depends baz and ldd finds foo and baz only, then baz won't be removed.

The new code does the same but depends are detected recursively to avoid the problem mentioned above.

As a result, makepkg -a output should be less noisy. ;)

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