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svn->git conversion using git-svn

Estimated read time: 2 minutes

git-svnimport will be removed in git-1.5.4 and i don't think it's tirival to use git-svn (which is great for bi-directional work) to properly convert an svn repo (with multiple branches) to a git one, so here is a recipe.

first, just use git-svn to create a git-svn repo. it's a git repo but it's a bit weird, it contains metadata which is necessary for bi-directional operations and you won't see the branches by default when you clone it. ah and it's not a bare repo.

in this example i'll convert ooo-build's svn repo (it has several branches and tags, so it's a good example).

mkdir -p ~/git/ooo-build cd ~/git/ooo-build git svn init -s svn+ssh:// git svn fetch

this will take a while. once it's completed, you need to convert this to a bare repo:

mkdir ../ooo-build.git cd ../ooo-build.git git --bare init git config remote.origin.url ~/git/ooo-build git config remote.origin.fetch +refs/remotes/tags/*:refs/tags/* git config --add remote.origin.fetch +refs/remotes/trunk:refs/heads/master git config --add remote.origin.fetch +refs/remotes/*:refs/heads/* git fetch

and you're done! :)

of course this is an incremental operation, so all you need is to run git svn fetch and git fetch from cron to keep the mirror up to date.


it turns out you can even do this by having only one git repo. it has benefints: you don't have to duplicate the object database. and it has one problem: if you later switch fully to git, then you want to remove the git-svn metadata - doing so is the easiest if you just clone the repo.

so - in case you want this, you have to:

mkdir -p ~/git/ooo-build.git cd ~/git/ooo-build.git git --bare init git --bare svn init -s svn+ssh:// git --bare svn fetch

and then you can fetch from yourself:

git config remote.origin.url . git config remote.origin.fetch +refs/remotes/tags/*:refs/tags/* git config --add remote.origin.fetch +refs/remotes/*:refs/heads/* git fetch

note: git config --add remote.origin.fetch +refs/remotes/trunk:refs/heads/master it unnecessary as git svn fetch will update this for you (it is different from git fetch)

thanks for devurandom from #git for pointing out that this is possible using git --bare init before git svn init and using git --bare svn fetch :)

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