Estimated read time: 1 minutes
i started to add package splitting support to pacman today. pacman3/libalpm is not affected, basically makepkg, updatesync and gensync have to me modified. the makepkg part is now ready. here is a sample FrugalBuild:
pkgname=cabextract pkgver=1.1 pkgrel=2 pkgdesc="a program to extract Microsoft Cabinet files" url="" depends=('basedep1' 'basedep2') groups=('apps') archs=('i686' 'x86_64') up2date="lynx -dump |grep 'cabextract source code'|tr -s ' '|cut -d ' ' -f 6" source=($pkgname-$pkgver.tar.gz) sha1sums=('359c8f4ec9c62d9dac5d572269b607b2cae4fbf7')to build this you'll need pacman-tools from darcs and pacman from darcs, toosubpkgs=('cabextract-man' 'cabextract-bin') subdescs=('manpage for cabextract' 'cabextract binaries') subdepends=('man foo' 'glibc bar') subreplaces=('' 'replacebin1 replacebin2')
build() { Fbuild Fsplit $pkgname-man usr/man Fsplit $pkgname-bin usr/bin }