Development notes

How to set up a virtual env

Create it:

python3.11 -m venv ged2dot-env

Activate it:

. ged2dot-env/bin/activate

Install requirements:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Development cycle

A typical flow is:

... hack hack hack ...
make check-mypy
ged2dot --input test.ged --output && dot -Tsvg -o test.svg # test the changes

Once you're happy with your change:

make check # run all tests
... write new tests if coverage regressed ...

Python debugging

To run a single test:

env PYTHONPATH=.:tests python3 -m unittest tests.test_ged2dot.TestMain.test_happy


Ideally CI checks everything before a commit hits master, but here are a few things which are not part of CI:

  • Run tools/ once a month and make sure Python dependencies are reasonably up to date.