

From GitHub.

Running the script in-place

You can build the code using:

./ --help

You can run the tests using:

make check

Qt-based GUI

The script is a Qt-based GUI for ged2dot, which can turn the dot output into PNG files.

For macOS, the DMG is not signed digitally, so you need to allow its usage explicitly.

The installer bundles Graphviz for macOS and Windows.

The app icon is by Appzgear.

LibreOffice Draw GEDCOM import filter

The libreoffice/ subdirectory contains a LibreOffice extension, that implements a GEDCOM import filter for Draw. Needless to say, it uses ged2dot internally -- think of it as a GUI for ged2dot, with the additional benefit that you can hand-edit the resulting layout in Draw, if you want.

Its dependencies:

  • It uses Graphviz to process the dot format. In case you don't have Graphviz installed:

    • For Windows, get it here (2.38 is tested).

    • For Linux, use your package manager to install the graphviz package (2.28 is tested).

    • For macOS, install it from brew (2.36 is tested).

  • LibreOffice >= 7.2


  • Filter detection: you can use File -> Open and select a GEDCOM file, and it'll be opened in Draw automatically.
  • Import options: On import, a graphical dialog can be used to set a subset of the options available in a ged2dotrc.
  • Internally reuses the excellent SVG import filter of LibreOffice, contributed by Fridrich Strba and Thorsten Behrens, so the result can be manually fine-tuned if necessary.
  • Runs on Windows and Linux and macOS.

You can grap a release binary at the releases page -- more on how to to install a LibreOffice extension here.

NOTE: Linux distributions install Python support separately, be sure to install the libreoffice-script-provider-python (deb) or libreoffice-pyuno (rpm) packages before the OXT file.

Once that's done, you'll see something like this if you open a GEDCOM file:
