
HW requirements

  • at least 1 CPU core

  • at least 1 GB memory

  • at least 1 GB disk space

Install steps

  • Install dependencies, e.g. on Fedora:
dnf install cargo
dnf install clang-devel
dnf install git
dnf install libicu-devel
dnf install llvm-devel
dnf install make
dnf install npm
dnf install openssl-devel
dnf install sqlite-devel

If the npm version in your distribution is too old: sudo npm install -g n && sudo n stable.

  • Clone the repo:
git clone
cd osm-gimmisn
  • Build the code and cached data:

Populate the reference directory with TSV files for the house number and street list:

osm-gimmisn sync-ref --mode download --url

Install steps (Windows)

  • Install git and cargo.

  • Open e.g. PowerShell and clone the repo (see above).

  • Build the code:

cargo build --release --no-default-features
  • Run the validator:
osm-gimmisn.exe validator data\relation-budapest_11.yaml

Developer setup

make run

This allows accessing your local instance for development.

Production setup

  • The launcher is osm-gimmisn rouille.

  • A sample osm-gimmisn.service is provided, you can copy that to /etc/systemd/system/osm-gimmisn.service and customize it to your needs.

  • Use systemctl start osm-gimmisn.service to run the app server.

  • Optionally, set up a reverse proxy with SSL support.

  • Optionally, add cron as a daily crontab:

# daily, at 0:05
5 0 * * * cd /home/osm-gimmisn/git/osm-gimmisn && target/release/osm-gimmisn cron --mode all

See osm-gimmisn cron --help for details on what switches are supported for that tool.

Custom configuration

workdir/wsgi.ini contains the configuration. Common keys to be customized (showing the defaults):

uri_prefix = '/osm'
tcp_port = '8000'
overpass_uri = ''
cron_update_inactive = 'False'

Running within a container

You can try osm-gimmisn in 5 minutes following these basic steps:

  1. Clone the repo:
git clone
  1. Build the container:
cd osm-gimmisn/tools/container && ./
  1. Run the container:
  1. Sync the reference data:
podman exec -t -i osm-gimmisn bash -c 'cd /opt/osm-gimmisn && target/release/osm-gimmisn sync-ref --mode download --url'
  1. Go to in your web browser.

Note that the comparison results are not only affected by changes in the OSM database, false positives are also silenced by osm-gimmisn filters. To update those filters, run:

podman exec -t -i osm-gimmisn bash -c 'cd /opt/osm-gimmisn && git pull -r && target/release/osm-gimmisn cache-yamls data workdir'

from time to time.

Also note that you can decide what container manager you want to use. It's not a problem if you prefer docker instead of podman, the commands documented here are still meant to work.