- Resolves: gh#527 export to file: include ISO date in default file name
- Resolves: gh#515 export to file: add a pretty mode to produce human-readable output
- Resolves: gh#506 dark mode: reduce contrast of colors
- Fix the default for the compact view (was meant to be disabled)
- Resolves: gh#474 don't require app restart when changing the
- Resolves: gh#437 add option to use median instead of average
- Resolves: gh#436 show zero time instead of empty text without sleeps
- Resolves: gh#455 main activity: fix missing update after changing the rating of a sleep
- add 30/45/60minutes to "Start time delay" option (k3dar)
- Czech localization added (k3dar)
- Resolves: gh#419 add optional do not disturb mode integration (Mason Fisher)
- sleep activity: handle the 'compact view' setting
- switched version scheme to CalVer to match reality
- Fix no action on pressing the back button on the action bar
- Added Themed / Monochrome Launcher icon support for devices that support it (Sébastien Delord)
- Resolves: gh#407 fix NetworkOnMainThreadException while importing data from a file, backed by
cloud storage
- Resolves: gh#388 add variance and standard deviation graphs (Lastaapps)
- Resolves: gh#406 export to file: avoid reporting success in toast on failure
- Resolves: gh#366 ignore empty days when counting average of daily sums
- Resolves: gh#387 dark mode now also uses different colors for the start/stop button
- Resolves: gh#373 enable editing start and end date+time of a sleep separately (phiiil)
- Resolves: gh#358 graphs: add a stop time graph
- Resolves: gh#365 don't toggle tracking state on rotation (quick settings tile)
- Resolves: gh#359 fix the widget to start/stop tracking to work on Android 12+
- Resolves: gh#308 main activity: default to showing average of daily sums only
- Resolves: gh#292 fix lack of toggle from the notification drawer when app is already foreground
- Resolves: gh#330 main activity: add placeholder text when there are no sleeps
- Resolves: gh#275 sleep item layout: add dedicated icon for the 'awake for' row
- Fixed the tracking notification to work with Android 13
- Resolves: gh#309 dashboard: hide seconds & timezone by default on the dashboard
- Resolves: gh#282 lower baseline to API 23 (Android 6.0), covering about 97.4% of devices
- Resolves: gh#274 add a start time offset
- Resolves: gh#298 release builds are now signed even outside F-Droid
- delete all sleep now confirms before erasing starts
- Add menu item to delete all sleeps (Ely M)
- Resolves: gh#285 main service: fix crash on Android 12
- Resolves: gh#277 sleep activity: allow multi-line notes
- Show timezone at sleep start/stop timestamps
- Runtime baseline is now API 24 (Android 7.0), still covering more than 80% of devices
- Resolves: gh#253 fixed sleep activity to allow sleep edits again (Mael Lacour)
- Resolves: gh#239 it is now possible to comment sleeps
- No longer using
, which is broken on older versions of Android
- Resolves: gh#208 add separators between sleep items in the main activity
- Resolves: gh#209 improved duplicate filtering in the calendar import/export (Jesper Lillqvist)
- Resolves: gh#207 avoid duplicate entries when importing from calendar multiple times
- Resolves: gh#150 avoid duplicate entries when exporting to calendar multiple times
- Resolves: gh#178 prevent negative sleep durations
- Resolves: gh#184 fixed overlapped and blocked texts on main page (yuhuitech)
- Resolves: gh#161 main activity: make the rating widget read-only
- Resolves: gh#157 hint that swiping the sleep will delete it
- Resolves: gh#162 avoid empty screen when scrolling down in the stats activity (usashiki)
- Resolves: gh#138 sleep edit / delete: handle automatic backup
- Resolves: gh#94 Add quick settings tile to start/stop tracking
- Awake-for and rating property of the sleep card is now hidden by default
- Resolves: gh#51 add a graphs menu item and activity to chart various stats over time (usashiki)
- Resolves: gh#92 add a widget to start/stop tracking with a single stap from the home screen
- Display time awake after a sleep on the main screen (Sebastian Zeller)
- Resolves: gh#88 Add dashboard duration setting (usashiki)
- Resolves gh#90 disable auto-backup bool setting when the user refuses to pick an auto-backup
- Avoid vibration when the sleep notification is created
- Resolves: gh#32 ability to automatically backup to a storage folder, to be used with e.g.
- Much faster mass-import of sleeps from a previous export result
- Resolves: gh#41 ability to export events to your calendar (Ed George)
- Added PT-BR translation (fabianski7)
- Tested on Android 11
- Removed not needed custom fonts, now using default regular/bold fonts from the system
- Resolves: gh#33 main activity: don't delete entry by swiping on the rating bar
- Resolves: gh#29 ability to import events from your calendar (Ed George)
- Fix missing localization of the notification channel's name
- Updated appcompat, constraintlayout, material, junit and espress-core to latest versions
- Resolves: gh#28 it is now possible to rate sleeps
- Resolves: gh#7 expand/collapse FAB on scroll
- Resolves: gh#27 improve main activity FAB color in dark mode
- Added Spannish translation (Diego Sanguinetti)
- Resolves: gh#6 next to all-time stats, there are now "last 7 days" and "this year" stats as well
- Related: gh#1 Cannot import csv after export, improved fix for less mainstream Android flavors
(Sebastian Zeller)
- Resolves: gh#21 daily average now detects completely skipped days
- Resolves: gh#20 sleep entries are now being sorted in chronological order (Sebastian Zeller)
- Resolves: gh#19 in the sleep edit time picker, use 24 or 12 hour view according to system settings
(Sebastian Zeller)
- Resolves: gh#16 support dark mode (martiandolphin)
- Resolves: gh#15 export format is now better documented
- Resolves: gh#14 main view: sleep counter is now less confusing for multiple sleeps / day
- Resolves: gh#13 main view: scroll the content above the recycler view
- Resolves: gh#8 main view: the snackbar and the start/stop button doesn't overlap anymore
- Resolves: gh#11 use different colors for start and stop
- Much improved design (Sanju S)
- Resolves: gh#5 Main view: average of daily sum of sleeps is now visible
- Main view: the sleep list now has a scrollbar
- Sleep view: now shows the ID and has a back button
- Resolves: gh#2 Allow the user to manually edit an entry
- App metadata now features a screenshot
- Added an about dialog to credit used libraries
- Now never performing database operations on the main thread
- Resolves: gh#1 Cannot import csv after export
- Can remember already started (but not yet stopped) sleeps on system restart
- Can show duration of each past sleep
- Can delete past recorded sleeps selectively
- Can import previously exported data
- Notification icon is now in sync with the launcher icon
- Runtime baseline is now only API 22 (Android 5.1), not API 26 to cover about 80% of devices
- Initial release
- Can store past sleeps
- Can count average duration of them