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As mentioned in the blog post of Mike already, last month we were allowed to hack on anything we want in LibreOffice for a few days. I used this time to progress with 3 different topics.
Stepping through TextBoxes using the keyboard
Given that a Writer shape with a TextBox is internally two shapes, this needed explicit support. After my TextBox bugfix it’s possible to have two such shapes in a document, and once you select one of them, tab properly jumps between the two shapes; previously nothing happened.
What did happen is we tried to activate the TextBox of the selected shape, which selected the shape itself, so at the end nothing happened.
RTF improvements
xmlsec patch upstreaming
Last, I’ve started working on upstreaming
. xmlsec has no ability to
disable the verification of certificates (think of curl -k
or wget -k
), so
in LibreOffice currently we just patch out that code as we don’t need it. So I
wanted to add a new verification flag to avoid patching, but it turns out that
in the NSS case xmlsec didn’t do the verification, so as a first step I fixed
that instead in this xmlsec GitHub
pull request. Now that it’s merged, the next step will be to add such a flag,
and then LibreOffice can get rid of the patch after the next xmlsec release.