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(via Sweet5hark)
I arrived home from Hamburg yesterday where I participated in the LibreOffice hackfest over the weekend as a mentor. First, thanks to The Document Foundation — and all the donors for funding Collabora to make this possible.
There were a few topics I mentored:
Patrick was interested fixing tdf#116486, which required some background knowledge on the Writer document model and layout, so we explored the relevant details together towards providing an actual patch for the bug.
Nithin wanted to fix tdf#112384, which turned out to be an ideal task for a hackfest. On one hand, the scope is limited so that you can implement this mini-feature over a weekened. On the other hand, it required touching various parts of Writer (UI, document model, UNO API, ODF filter), so it allowed seeing the process of adding a new feature. The patch is merged to master.
Linus looked for a task that is relatively easy, still useful, we looked at tdf#42949, and he identified and removed a number of unused includes himself. This should especially help with slow incremental builds. Again, the patch is already in master.
Zdeněk (raal) wanted to write a uitest for tdf#106280 so we were figuring out together how to select images from pyuno and how to avoid using graphic URLs in uitests in general.
The full list of achievements is on the wiki, if you were at the hackfest and you did not contribute to that section, please write a line about what did you hack on. :-)
Finally, thanks for the organizers and the sponsors of the hackfest, it was a really great event!