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Recent undo/redo fixes in LibreOffice Impress

Estimated read time: 2 minutes

I’ve recently spent some time fixing a few bugs around undo/redo in Impress, in the area of table shapes. I’m mentioning these here as they’re all bugfixes, so they are backported to LibreOffice 5.1, and no major release notes will point them out. So if you are using Impress table shapes and you consider their usability suboptimal, then read on, I have some great news. :-)

The first problem is tdf#99396, where there were actually two problems:

  1. Vertical alignment is a cell property, but when setting that property, the undo code was simply missing.

  2. When editing cell text (the user is inside "text edit") the undo stack is in a special mode — and ending text edit made the cell property undo items go away. This wasn’t a problem for vertical alignment only, it was a problem for example when the background color of the cell was changed, too. These cell property changes are now added to the undo stack after finishing text edit, so you can still undo them later.

The second bugreport is tdf#99452 where resizing a table shape row separator and then undoing the resize didn’t restore the original state. See the commit for all the details, but the bottom line is: it isn’t a good idea to automatically re-layout the table when we’ve already resized the shape as part of undo, but the table rows were not yet resized to reflect their original sizes.

As usual, you can try this right now with a 5.2 daily build. :-) (Or even with an 5.1 one, actually.)

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