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Estimated read time: 1 minutes

i've recently got a mail about now has a separate collection of Frugalware screenshots. so here it is, maybe one find it interesting :)

ten goals we reached in 2006

Estimated read time: 2 minutes

we're always working on something, sometimes it worth to have a look round and see what we've reached. so here is my list, probably incomplete :)

1) syncpkgd

2) -stable support. if you want to have a secure server you no longer have to use -current

3) OOo for x86_64, also split the language packs

4) many-many packages. really. sometimes i need a package and i'm impressed it's already in fst :)

5) in connection with the big number of packages: dynamic cds/dvds based on dependencies. i remember when we had to move something to extra just becase the second cd was too big

6) rewritten the setup in C. do you remember the sloooow installer written in sh? :)

7) Xorg 7.0. so many hours of sucking when: 7.1) do a clean install 7.2) add the xorg7 repo and -Syu 7.3) write down the occurred errors 7.4) fix them 7.5) rm -rf / 7.6) goto 7.1 :)

8) pacman-g2. pacman without a lib? brr :)

9) getting rid of hotplug in favour of udev. maybe you remember how slow it was, it took at least 10-12 secs on my pc :)

10) fw-xgl-control: enabling and disabling it for a normal user without reading tons of docs, breaking your system, etc :)

(yes. the list is unsorted )

could you imagine living without these? :)

new mirror: ftp12

Estimated read time: 1 minutes

i've just noticed that finally has no more "connection timed out" errors, so we have a new fast full mirror :)

it suppors ftp, http and rsync. it has been added to the homepage and to pacman-g2's darcs

howto about xilinx

Estimated read time: 1 minutes

another howto, i needed to install it as we use it at the university. it's a binary application, but at least i'm not foced to use it with wine :)

the howto is here

multiple imap servers with mutt

Estimated read time: 1 minutes

i've written a small howto about $subject ;)

you can reach it here


Estimated read time: 1 minutes

the bitlbee server @ seems to be down for several days, so finally i've decided to switch to luckily the buddy list was not lost, just the -> nick anjd -> nick bindings and the bitlbee settings


Estimated read time: 1 minutes

we have some problem using the normal dns at the university so we finally decided to use opendns. it seems to be working fine so far :)

indenting with vim

Estimated read time: 1 minutes

probably you already faced with the following problem: if you past a shellscript to vim, then it's indented, so the last line of the script will have tons of whitespaces at the start of the line. there are two problems here:
  1. how to disable indenting temporarily? use :paste and :nopaste
  2. how to indent the text after the paste? mark the lines you want to indent in visual mode (use V) then == will indent them :)

my name in diamanda wiki

Estimated read time: 1 minutes

i've just discovered my name in diamanda wiki's install script :) (search for "Miklos")

first snapshot uploaded

Estimated read time: 1 minutes

officially called ooe680-m2, the first snapshot of the ooe680 tree which will become has been uploaded. as usual you can find the buildscript in -current (enable the 'devel' option) and the binary x86_64 fpms here

© Miklos Vajna. Built using Pelican. Theme by Giulio Fidente on github.