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mplayer with dvdnav support

Estimated read time: 1 minutes

i've uploaded an updated mplayer package to my repo which includes dvdnav support to mplayer. at the moment it seems you need to

# pacman -R codecs

otherwise mplayer will crash

many thanks to Otvos Attila, the dvdnav patch author for his help (two additional build fixes was needed for our "enable everything what is possible" mplayer configuration)

hopefully we'll figure out soon how to resolve the conflict with the binary codecs, too :)

(a screenshot)

git-svn howto

Estimated read time: 1 minutes

i think using git-svn is really easy, once you figured out how to use it. so here is how i use it. no, i'm not a git-svn expert, just a user. and the way i use it - i think it's easy. so here is our situation:

1) foo project uses svn for managing their code 2) you wish they would use git

how to do both:

1) get the full svn repo:

$ git svn clone --prefix=origin/ url

yes, in my situation this project does not use the trunk/tags/branches structure, see the git-svn manpage if the project you clone does (s/clone/clone -s/ should do the trick)

the --prefix parameter is needed so that you'll see the svn branches as if they were normal git remote branches

2) your local repo is a git repo, so you can do whatever you want, commit, revert, bisect, etc

3) instead of git pull, you need

$ git svn rebase

this does the same as git fetch + git rebase (since you can't merge because of svn)

4) instead of git push, you need

$ git svn dcommit

and we're ready. 3 and not more command, right? :)

coloured manpages

Estimated read time: 1 minutes

this is always a subject of flamewars and Frugalware did not have any support for coloured manpages so far. i've now added (in man-1.6e-2) support for it, but it's still disabled. see the documentation on how to enable it if you like. you can reach a screenshot here if you use the default colors.


Estimated read time: 1 minutes

when we switched to git, our darcs stat page was no longer updated. now i've created gitstats, which serves the same purpose. it's written in python and it was a few more features compared to darcsstats, ie. alias support, so that the stats for a dev are not lost when he/she changes his/her email addr.

the new stat page is here. enjoy! :)


Estimated read time: 1 minutes

well, it truns out what i'm mentioned at :)

the story is about my skype plugin for bitlbee. google doesn't even find it (mostly because nobody links my page), so i asked the devs to link the page. now they posted a news entry about it ;)

/me goes to sleep..

asciidoc vs mathml

Estimated read time: 1 minutes

i've recently pushed a new asciidoc to my repo. after intalling it, you have to be able to display this example page properly. (here is the source)

so now go and tell your latex friends that you can still include your exotic math formulas in asciidoc while you can avoid its usualy difficult syntax! :)

openoffice firefox plugin

Estimated read time: 1 minutes

as of there is a firefox plugin (for OOo documents) included in our openoffice pkg. at the moment it's not enabled by default, you need an

ln -s /usr/lib/ ~/.mozilla/plugins

to enable it

empty git commits

Estimated read time: 1 minutes

long time no blog ;)

in darcs, tags are empty patches which depend on every patch since the previous tag + the previous tag. so tag is shown in the changelog itself

in git, tags are just pointers to existing commit objects. for example 1c77ec3 already exists, then you say let's call this 1.0

you may want to create darcs-like tags in git. of course this won't be the git way, but it's nice to see that the git core allows you to do so

so here is what you need:

echo "tagged 0.9.2" |git update-ref HEAD git commit-tree HEAD^{tree} -p HEAD

thanks hliusv561! :)

find -exclude

Estimated read time: 1 minutes

ok, there is no such option, but there is an equivalent trick :)

for example if you want to do exclude the _darcs dir, then you need:

find . -type d -name _darcs -prune -o -print

where can be "-name *.c" or so

thanks crazy for the tip :) screenshots

Estimated read time: 1 minutes

i've recently got a mail about now has a separate collection of Frugalware screenshots. so here it is, maybe one find it interesting :)

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