here is the problem:
you hava gpg key since 5 years. you had various mail addresses over the time and every mail address is attached to a key. so it'll look ugly, like this.
the problem is that once you pushed a uid (read: email address, attached to a key) to the keyserver, you can no longer remove it. but here is the solution: you can revoke it! :)
how to do so?
it's easy:
$ gpg --edit-key
a list of your ids with numbers are displayed. select a uid:
Command> uid 2
then you can revoke it:
Command> revuid 3
Really revoke this user ID? (y/N) y
Please select the reason for the revocation:
0 = No reason specified
4 = User ID is no longer valid
Q = Cancel
(Probably you want to select 4 here)
Your decision? 4
Enter an optional description; end it with an empty line:
Reason for revocation: User ID is no longer valid
(No description given)
Is this okay? (y/N) y
you can notice that the uid is now listed as "revoked" instead of "ultimate"
now you can exit using:
Command> save
and send it to the key server:
$ gpg --send-key 03915096
of course the uids will be still there, but that bloated list should be now short and tiny :)